Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is a remote desktop software tool developed by Google that allows a user to remotely control another computer using a Chromoting protocol developed by Google.  

you can use the app to securely access your files or applications from another computer. Or you can give a friend temporary access to your desktop so they can help you solve a computer problem.

1-Sign into Google.You need to be logged in to initiate or participate in any screen sharing or remote access sessions.

2-Locate Chrome Remote Desktop in the Chrome Web Store. Click the +Free button to add Chrome Remote Desktop to your computer.

3-Confirm the Chrome Remote Desktop download and allow it access to your computer.

4-Find Chrome Remote Desktop in the Chrome App Launcher, and click the icon to open the app in Chrome.

5-Click Get Started under Remote Assistance.

6-To make your computer available to another user, click Share. If you’re going to control a shared computer, click Access.

7-Chrome Remote Desktop will display an Access Code to the sharing computer. Enter the Access Code on the computer that will control the sharing computer.

8-The shared computer’s desktop will appear in the accessing computer’s browser tab.Shrink it to fit in the browser or expand it to fill the screen.

Chrome Remote Desktop Chrome Remote Desktop Reviewed by Unknown on 06:37:00 Rating: 5

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