Image Format

Image file formats are standardized means of organizing and storing digital images.

Types of Image Format


JPEG is short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and is the most popular among the image formats used on the web.

JPEG discards most of the information to keep the image file size small; which means some degree of quality is also lost.


GIF, short for Graphics Interchange Format, is limited to the 8 bit palette with only 256 colors and image size is relatively small compared to other image compression types.

GIF compresses images by reducing the number of colors in rich color images or replaces multiple occurring patterns (large patterns) into one.


The Windows Bitmap or BMP files are image files within the Microsoft Windows operating system.

These files are large and uncompressed, but the images are rich in color, high in quality, simple and compatible in all Windows OS and programs.



TIF is lossless which is considered the highest quality format for commercial work.

It is capable of recording halftone image data with different pixel intensities, thus is the perfect format for graphic storage, processing and printing.


PNG is lossless so it does not lose quality and detail after image compression.

PNG can support 24 bit RGB color images, grayscale images, both with and without alpha channels.

Image Format Image Format Reviewed by Unknown on 00:11:00 Rating: 5

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