CuteFTP is used to transfer files between computers and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers to publish web pages, download digital images, music, multi-media files and software, and transfer files of any size or type between home and office.

It has an easy and intuitive interface and will help you a lot when publishing your web site or downloading files.

How to use CuteFTP Client

1. The first screen prompts you for the host address of the server, for which the FTP connection will be established. You also need to enter the label for your new connection. You can use your domain name if you like.

2. The next screen prompts you for your FTP username and password. Enter them in the corresponding boxes and click Next.

3. Here you are prompted for a 'default local directory'. You should choose the folder where you keep your website files. Click Next.

4. The screenshot below shows the panes when you are logged in your web hosting account. On the left you will see your local computer files and on the right the ones under your hosting account.

5. If you are behind a firewall and/or router you often need to use passive mode to get a stable connection. Open the Site Manager and choose your connection by its label. Click on the Type tab and select the Use PASV option from the Data connection type drop-down menu.

6. Right-click on the file/directory for which you'd like to change the permissions and you'll get the window below.

CuteFTP CuteFTP Reviewed by Unknown on 03:00:00 Rating: 5

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