Adding an inventory vendor

Basic field


Name of vendor comes in name column

Print on Check As / DBA

Name of business or person which is used to give in banking transaction


A unique code is given by company in this column

Parent Location

Parent Location is your company location that to which location he is the vendor.

Contact Name

Contact Name has been provided for dealing with specified person in that company.

Contact Information

The information required to contact someone, such as an address or phone number.

Remit-To Address

It is address to send money in payment to vendor.

Shipping Address

The shipping address is where you want your items delivered.

Accounting Information

Payment terms

Payment terms are the payment terms rules imposed by suppliers on their customers. 

Payment terms are imposed to ensure that payments are received by suppliers within a reasonable period of time.

GL Expense Account

A general ledger account is an account or record used to sort and store balance sheet and income statement transactions. 
Examples of general ledger accounts include the asset accounts such as Cash, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Investments, Land, and Equipment.


Account number of vendor where transaction can be made.

Memo On Check

The memo line is a reminder to you for the reason why you wrote the check. 

For example: You wrote a check out to your nephew for a birthday gift. Use the memo line to write Nephew's Birthday.

Additional Info

This form is used for the tax return of the miscellaneous income earned from the supplier. It is generally used in united states.

Vendor Login

These credentials are provided to vendor for checking the transaction details that was done by user.


Internal Notes

These are used for quick look about the vendor performance and good things about that vendor.

Adding an inventory vendor Adding an inventory vendor Reviewed by Unknown on 03:56:00 Rating: 5

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