How to change a power plug

Required Tools for changing power plug

Step-1 Remove the plug cover by either "snapping" or unscrewing it.

Step-2 Unscrew the little screws on each of the plug's pins.

 Step-3 Bare the ends of the three wires inside the electrical cord for about half a centimeter, by cutting away the plastic insulation.

Step-4 Gently twist the strands of copper wire with your fingers until each strand is tight. Fold over the twisted strands.

Step-5 Insert the twisted copper wires into the holes in the pins.

Step-6 Tighten the little screw on each of the plug's pins.

Step-7 Make sure the electrical cord is firmly gripped by the arrestor clips.

Step-8 Tighten the cover of the plug.

 Step-9 Your plug is ready.

How to change a power plug How to change a power plug Reviewed by Unknown on 00:29:00 Rating: 5

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