C++ Software Installation

C++ is an object oriented programming (OOP) language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and is an extension of C language. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.

Installation of C++ Software

Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a free C++ compiler and development environment for Windows operating systems. Like most C++ compilers, it also can be used to compile ANSI C. 

1. Download Dev-C++ from http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html and install it.

2. A dialog box will appear asking what language you want for this installation and then press the Ok button.


3. Review the license agreement. If you are able to accept the terms of the license agreement, press the I Agree button.


4. Now it is time to select the type of installation. In order to keep things simple, choose the option Full for the option of Select the Type of Install. Make sure that you have sufficient space to perform the full installation.

5. Select the location where you want the files installed.

6. Watch the program install the files.

7. After the installation program installs all of the necessary files, Dev-C++ should be ready to run. If you want to run Dev-C++ now, make sure to check the item labelled Run Dev-C++ Then, click on the Finish button.

First Program

C++ Software Installation C++ Software Installation Reviewed by Unknown on 06:47:00 Rating: 5

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