How to change a LAN crimp end

Cut into the plastic sheath about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the end of the cut cable. The crimping tool has a razor blade that will do the trick with practice.

Unwind and pair the similar colors.

Pinch the wires between your fingers and straighten them out as shown. The color order is important to get correct.

Use scissors to make a straight cut across the 8 wires to shorten them to 1/2 Inch (1.3 cm) from the cut sleeve to the end of the wires.

Guide the wires into the plug, being careful not to let them slip out of sequence.

Carefully place the connector into the Ethernet Crimper and cinch down on the handles tightly. 

Make sure to test the cables before installing them.

How to change a LAN crimp end How to change a LAN crimp end Reviewed by Unknown on 06:15:00 Rating: 5

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